All good things come to an end ... Tomorrow morning I wake up in the shadow of reality, earnestly trying to "zaszarzyć" my life fable. And again ... fight for the colors, the struggle for a non-cliché, fighting for each other (not that "self" identified with the protection of these facilities are subject ...;)). But ... wonderful holidays I had ... Apparently few of these people, "my", but it is what kind they are! Nothing taught Latin, almost did not read (sic - ostensibly so that it is extremely necessary for me). Translators my only love and mulled wine, crackers and Nutella, eggnog and sensitivity. But something I learned in college: a rest:)
Warm greetings to all i. .. to write!)
Above: Cat Necklace mirror
Pendant ice kingdom (Mrs. Kate!))
Wiola bracelet for Paris:)