Saturday, February 12, 2011

Milena Velba Polka Dots

no breeziness "...

Or at least "wind" youth should not be (zdecydowanie!). Because dispelled by the wind is like that, "so what" and - though it said a professor, my high school - "shit") makes it necessary to collect the beads in the jar, do not lose anything, do not miss anything. From each be proud of all to enjoy - just to myself.
I got just such a "jar" from my wonderful Mamurdy : * ...:

And since the jar, then the beads ("starociowych": D), although natural, can not miss ...:

chain Heart rose pearls intertwined

chain Queen secession

bracelet Queen Secession

Woman I'm over as far as their times do not amuse me
courtship pale lowelasów
, hey! :) Regards

hot kokosowomarmoladowo:))


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