Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Green Green Uncensored Episode 13

Barcelona shadows

Buenas Tardes!
And here we go again ... EVERYTHING why deny it, which degenerate in its hierarchy, which cast the opportunities from which to turn around, and therefore negatively to will address all this, each of these things, each of these events, impressions, feelings, Mar, exercise positively. Just as the anger of my "knowledge" itself ... It turns out that what is "definitely" will not happen, happens. What I am quite discouraged, he begins to intrigue me. Conversely, what I admired, it starts with me cause gagging. Maturation of the spirit. Lots to tell. I do not recognize myself.

However, there is a space that has always fascinated me - literature. Here, such changes in preference occurred as rapidly, but in the (literature) around. Actually ... Now I realize that these changes in my fascinations were often a source in the books! Ha! Thus it happened again, again upheaval. I was prepared for the movie "Volver" and "Vicky, Christina, Barcelona", but the preparation was shallow and incomplete ... You could say that Italy were also preparing to discover in a few years after the visit (I love your reflexes, always vigilant "...), but ... not really ...
Approaching the theme although the sentences over Spain, corridami, parnymi nights, moisture, upałami, tomatoes and English beauty captivated never (ok, siesta remind me wonderfully, because the broadcast M. Kydryńskiego). Also, as you might guess, it ended with a passionate dislike of at least falling in love ...

CRZafóna All thanks to the book "Shadow of the Wind." I can not write book reviews. Eh ... I can write so much that is full of passion, passions, unimaginable twists and turns, clever humor, is close to the life and far prostactwu. Another, that inserts a tab Fri "intellectual masturbation" in a subset of "emotion." Whatever you write more, strywializuję this climate of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe first half of the twentieth century ...

"There are places that you need and can be viewed only in the dark."

"Destiny is usually waiting just around the corner. If I were pickpocket, a whore or seller of lottery tickets: it is the most common incarnation. The door of our house will never knock. You have to move him. "

"TV, my friend, is the antichrist and I dare say that only three or four generations and people will not know how to own the forest bittern, a man returns to the caves, to medieval barbarism and the state zidiocenia, which emerged already in the shoe during the Pleistocene. This world will not perish from the atomic bombs, and prophesy the newspaper, but will die laughing with strywializowania, with everything turning into a joke, to make matters worse a bad joke. "

"To know [much about women] is nobody knows, neither Freud nor they themselves, but this is like electricity, you do not need to know how it works, so you kopnęło. "
Hasta la vista! : D


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