Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Part 3 - Shalom youth.

Searching for football talent, and talented youth sports organization in Poland is adjusted to the conditions and the real opportunities in the country and is based on two main pillars:

- sports training in the NTP (student clubs)
- training club.

complement the training organization of these two pillars are:
- training of regional (provincial and macro-regional) and central training, carried out by SCUBA.

organizational structure of training in Poland:

* Schools:

- Classes
Sports - School Sports Championships (SMS)
- Private SMS
- Interschool Sports Clubs

* Clubs:
Association of Physical Culture - Sports Equity Company
- LZS-y
- Private Sports Clubs
- Environmental
Sports Clubs - Football Training Centres

- Continue the training selected young people is with the participation of District Sports Associations (regional train).
- The final stage of training compounds are the Polish Sports and Olympic Committee (training of central).

Yes, all beautifully written out, now it's true.

For example, one of the SMS center will proceed subjective perspective on youth training.

About iDen, a child as a child, usually at the beginning of his youth back futbolówkę or playing on the computer. A child aged 10 years is carried out by a parent who wants his son was a great player, for training to a nearby soccer club. The origins and beginnings, to one like it, others find the best interest of the child. Beginning of the adventure is fun football. However, when the child enters the age of 13 - 14 years, when the provincial league games are most important for the club, the real game begins. Do not deceive ourselves, already at this age coaches should ask questions to her students whether football is their life and whether this involves their hopes. But as you know, we live in Poland, where the coach is not looking at such things. Nowadays, 95% of coaches in the range of age groups from 1912 to 1916 look at the score, number of goals. Poland is famous in the country, where he raises a lot of talent (in comparison with England is a huge difference in England is rarely seen children playing football, only in the district clubs) but here is a big problem. Coach in the twenty-first century looks to see if his pocket is full, or coins are credited on the corner and the rest is drum 2 hours per day with a group of young people. Not fool ourselves. Here's the biggest flaw, greed, laziness, lack of commitment and knowledge transfer to those developing junior footballers. Eighteen selected by the coach mainly comes from one parent systems with a trainer for the proverbial bottle of vodka. They play mediocrity, mannequins, adolescents who do not know what's really going on in football. The composition exhibited, the result of beauty in the newspaper because the "pound" dwucyfrówki. But, for such action on the part of trainers does not notice and may specifically not want to see what great injustice meets Polish football! This is murder for the players. Contrast training in the West, where children are taught 10letnie tactics on the pitch thinking, cunning! The first goal is to combat systems in young age groups. It is not easy, a person with ordinary paper that coaching does not look at training, but for the money. The need for people who want and love football, people miejących to doing with the ball, former footballers!

P rzychodzi junior senior age, the boy spent three years in high school sports, which took place just two hours training. What next? Training in the ordinary football club and fight for the layout, where the level is mediocre or good players are destroyed. Why are the best players technically do not get opportunities to play in the youth age groups? Perhaps they are too small, it's about physical conditions. In Poland, determine the physical conditions in contrast to the Western football nurseries.

T Reninge in SMS, or will take place or not, the truth is that when a scheduled visit with the Football Association is one of the activists is the training ground a week before. Activist entered the club, training, analysis and previews. All very beautiful, 25 boys dressed up by the Football Association, the turnout of 100%. So what if the activist held analysis and then ... Coach throws the ball and the guys sing. SMS is just that the layer of activists and the governors could nachapać money and nothing more. Nobody is looking to train a good guy, a player who will play in future high-poziomie.Co 16stu comes with youth training center? These centers are meant to hone the talents of European stars and not there to keep it, "pseudoprezesów. When does a junior age player who graduated from high school text and Sports Centres that are attractive football is no place to play. A player is only a tracksuit and what he got from the Football Association, and nothing else, maybe memories. Of the 25 players can two strikes on the Polish mediocre league.


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