Saturday, January 22, 2011

Safeway Bakery Frosting

Part 2 - thinking.

Smarter vital need not be the one who had finished two courses of study. If someone wants to achieve something in school and it does not help, does not necessarily have to go there. (Zbigniew Boniek)

M RES unduly wmówili Polish football fans themselves, that football is our national sport?
achievements from the 70s and 80, almost forcing Polish tradition of football players to much greater achievements and not only the promotion of world events once every 20 years! It is a shame how the media soap Polish nation, the Polish national sport and is always faithful and also great fans. For several years in general do not count on youth national teams. We are here for an explanation? Of course by posing a query members of the Football Association laugh at us, asking a fool will go to youth teams, or submit their miserable and insignificant arguments in a 1% percent did not confirm the truth.

J est number of defects in development of Polish football, youth. NO you can only build on the momentum. Young players at the age of 14 years in the distribution of the training must take a workout at the gym 1-2 times a week at high loads. A total chaos, and so I am forced to call the junior training program. Because
counts do not only take advantage of the physical, but also speed and technique.

K olosalną notice a difference in the west such as the Italian club, where there are special audio-visual room for the scouts, which housed about 30 televisions, connected to about a hundred decoders. They created a computerized database of all players from around the world, what kind of remain in the orbit of their interests.
Even the junior tournament system is one of the main drawbacks in Polish football.
Another problem is that Polish football does not develop, and even goes backwards! This is not a promising landscape. Unfortunately the Polish football is dying, we have a very weak league level and for this people, who on government have no idea. Counts only warm place on a stool, Mammon and layouts.

M amy example, as Mr. James Błaszczykowskiego, knowing his biography, which knocked out of this mediocrity. When the player experienced extreme situations in your life and no one asked if has for what they had nothing to live but now everyone pseudoczłonek, pseudoznawca lot of freedom he is ready to give, lift your head up and pose for pictures as he contributed to the upbringing of such a player.


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