Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Can You Use Vsp At The Walmart Vision Center?

M. days *

probably know my Mamurdę . Mamurda this special woman. Particularly special for me. Always special, but najszczególniej today ....

She moved me through the highest mountains and deepest valleys. Not once fished me drowning in the middle of the ocean. She taught me many a spell, put in secret rituals, showed miracles. She painted my dreams, singing songs that accompanied me to this day, wyklejała me wyklejanki our world. Half my life it took her so far. I admire it every day again ...

Robust my period of storm and stress, war, battles and strikes. She fought - for me. About that, I saw, I won the first awareness, then the whole world. From cleared the rubbish.

I see her in a hammock hung between the apple trees, zaczytaną, obskakiwaną by me and brothers. The sunglasses. As if those years have passed, though I still had several years of "resolute" mądralińską girl chasing the altar during Mass and zagadującą all kinds of guests, przyssaną one ear to the radio, in which it flew (M) cartridge ... Oh how good that we left it all up in one piece. Both. Thank !!!:*

Mamurda a canon of femininity. Fashion, makeup, style ... Also, thank you for it, because that's what you you showed me that the essence of femininity does not express neither licentiousness nor puritan modesty, that quintessential scent of the flower are tiny crystals, which knows only the flower, be more generous or modest dispensing other treasures of the existence of consciousness. Helped me to find, shape, and respect its femininity.

Mamuniu, I love you and kiss VERY hard. Thanks to you I am, thanks to you I'm me, myself because of you I learned to know :):********

song for you HERE:)

I'm sorry, I'm fiźnięta, kicked, sometimes absent, with a tendency egocentrycznymi. But you know, always glad that when I visit home, I always wait for me - not only that the Taturdem, not only that the boys, but it also ... with a mountain of ironing and yeast rolls. And this is the moment for which it is worthwhile to spend the 10h:):)

On the day the most beautiful, most talented, most wonderful of my girlfriends
- her daughter ...
... LAFLE : ***


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