Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pullpilondal Cyst Diagram


I'm from the city. Peri-proletarian roots. In a previous era it would have been "something" (... I hope that my irony is palpable: D), and today ... Well, it attaches to the awangardkę: low, but my own, ugębioną wewnątrzgłownie, and the calf is a little bit (oh, no, it is) and upupienie (and the knife would not!). It is these sklecę story. Podbeskidzką. Not Silesian not żywiecka not Cracow, even śląskocieszyńską not. Because in my eclecticism and surprise. Today: peasant:)

Inspiratio I : Jagna scarves and ribbons Jadźki Mikołajczykówny ..

How it hurts me, the whole situation of Jagna. Of course, they are right, but if she did not have any reason? Beautiful women in my life is harder, especially if the character is. The nature of attracting even more than beauty. At first people to such a false Lasza, then grievances. It was fortunate that such "happy" does not belong. Probably better to have the hill. Harder to enter, but everything goes smoothly, and the rest is hope. Certainly better:) And Jadźka (eternal bride) on the peasantry poet caught! Hmm. Well, this exaggeration I would not want to fall, because the intellectual vulgarity of the most terrible vice. But frequent. It is therefore not a carpe diem animarum salus suprema lex (the salvation of souls supreme law)! Beauty - ugliness. Intelligence - the vulgarity (not: simplicity). Smarts - naivete. Babostwo - babistwo. A man would eat spoonfuls of it?

not arouse sympathy, at least in women:)

Inspiratio II : APPLE TREE

Apple, apple ... tree-woman. Every year, blooms, from year to year. Richer by another branches, rarely with any poorer. Obradza as I live, is not always the luxury of the sun, mist and periodic moisture, drying time in hot weather, sometimes flooded with freshwater ... Apple Tree ... but think about it is the thought of her beautifully, its pinkish flowers, fruit - bliss palate, sprouting leaves, or those already złocących a reddish ... Every year, deeper and more conscious of its magic. Entertains children, old beds, dreamily young, like a mature ...

białodrzewiu Serenity In jnana sun,
Honey golden białopałem żyśnie,
Tree of jelly and fully hive
And the list kraśnie słowiśnie bunch.
Inspiratio III Sunday.
festive attire, Mass, broth, close to their faces, nature. Peace. Blissful joy. Sunday is the most beautiful of days (to think that I loved my time Monday, a fe!). Sunday is white and innocent. Everything starts Sunday, is a new chapter. It is as white as the Host and innocent as children sleeping flowers. On Sunday, it all begins. On Sunday everything is still hope ...

And when the niebłoczu sierpiec łyście,
In the shadow of a darker Jeno niedośpiewy
In białodrzewiu ćwirnie and srebliście
Nightingale word słowisienkie ciewy.

... Does not that sound nightingaily:) Until the heart leaps to the wooded hills and green meadows, corn, rye and buckwheat ...:)

Inspiratio IV: Beskid Slaski.

grew up under the mountains. From the window, balcony, garden, but also streets, squares and markets on the horizon Beskydy Capital: mountain. Skrzyczne, Dębowiec, Szyndzielnia, Klimczok. Do not know much about them. Spowszedniały me. For what, mountains, normal, nothing extraordinary. Other people's praise of the fence. And today I live half Polish mountains ahead and I was missing and I miss them. I'll be back in July, on the trail:)))

Meanwhile, my dears. I recommend a brilliant book called "poisoner" E.-E. Schmitt. Positively shocking and absolutely to the positivity kierunkująca:)

Slavo-expressive and romantic mood

quoted line: "Słopiewnie" Julian Tuwim
Scene 1: Roztoczański National Park (the place is beautiful ... the essence of Polish culture. No words)
Scene 2 : in the Gallery, "Portrait of Wanda Siemaszkowa stage dressed as a bride with" The Wedding "," 1901
Image 3: "The beauty of the Polish village" - a copy of a picture by an unknown author Fri "cottage" (John Makowski, Gniezno)
Picture 4: "Silesian Beskid Krzysztof Michalski
black and white photo shows women in regional costume Żywiec, here


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